Want to attract a new partner into your life? I got you covered!! Attracting love into your life can be a difficult task, but with the help of feng shui, you can get the romance you're looking for. Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that seeks to create balance and harmony between the environment and the people who inhabit it. By following these 8 tips for attracting love using feng shui, you can create a romantic atmosphere that will draw in the love you want. In feng shui, the relationship area is in the far right corner of your home. Use the bagua to find out where it is in your house. That room or area of your home, along with your master bedroom are going to be the main areas that you work on to attract that perfect partner. Tip #1: Before you even start implementing feng shui into your space, get really clear on what it is that you want to attract. Set your intention and know what you want. Journal about what you want in a partner and in a relationship. When you're clear on the qualities you want in your future partner, write them on a piece of paper and tuck it away in a drawer in the relationships area of your home. Tip #2: The love and relationship area is represented by the earth element so add in some grounding elements such as marble tables, terra cotta pots or clay figurines. This will ensure that your relationship is stable and secure. Tip #3: Add fire for passion. As fire burns, it turns to ash which returns to the earth. Since the relationships area is an earth element, adding small amounts of fire can really help bring some passion to your life. Add some candles or if you have a fireplace in that area, use it! Tip #4: Passion is also represented by the colour red so incorporate that colour into your space. But passion is not the only love goal that you may have. Attracting a loving partner is more than just having a hot sex life!! Use colours like pink, peach, and earth tones alongside the red to attract the love and romance as well. Tip #5: Do things in pairs. If you’re trying to attract a partner, make the space a reminder of that by adding things in pairs. Get rid of any art that feels lonely or sad. Replace it with something that shows a couple in a passionate or loving embrace. If your relationship area is in the bedroom, add a pair of nightstands, a pair of lamps and make sure you have 2 pillows on the bed. Tip #6: Regardless of what room your relationship area falls into, you'll also want to make some adjustments to your master bedroom. First, clear out all of the clutter that is in your room. Go through the drawers and closets and clean it all out. Donate the stuff you no longer need. Symbolically and literally make room for your potential partner. If your drawers and closets are stuffed and overflowing, there is not room for anyone to come into your life. Tip #7: Make sure your bed is in the command position and move the bed away from the wall to allow the other person to get in and out. The bed should allow both partners equal space on either side of the bed. Tip #8: No mirrors. Mirrors are not usually considered good feng shui in a bedroom but when it comes to relationships, they really don't belong in the bedroom. Mirrors will bring in the energy of another person into the relationship especially if you can see the bed in the mirror. The last thing you want is a third person in your relationship!! Try these tips to give your love life a boost. The love of your life may be just around the corner. |